Squire’s Tavern Hours
Wednesdays 9:00 am - 12:00 PM
Sundays 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Special visits by appointment
Upcoming events
Schoolhouse Summer Hours
Description goes hereThe Barkhamsted Historical Society’s one room schoolhouse, the old Center School on Center Hill Road (Rt. 181) in Barkhamsted, will be open to the public on the following dates during the summer of 2024:
Sunday, May 26, 1:00 – 4:00
Sunday, June 30, 1:00 – 4:00
Sunday, July 28, 1:00 – 4:00
Sunday, August 25, 1:00 – 4:00
Sunday, September 29, 1:00 – 4:00
Come and find out what school was like in “the old days.”
Ask questions; read the old books; review a high school entrance exam; try your hand at various toys and games, or do some arithmetic problems on a slate. All free of charge !
Children are especially invited
Barkhamsted Reservoir Tour
Available at the Tavern or Call Noreen 860-738-1152
Friday Sept 27th at 9:30. Journey back in time with us as we tour the lower gate house, and then travel up an access road of the reservoir. We will be seeing the original sites of the Barkhamsted meeting house, center cemetery, and other Barkhamsted Hollow landmarks that are now part of our Barkhamsted Reservoir. Tickets are $20 per person with a limit of 50 people. We will be taking a school bus, pickup will be at people's state forest across from Squires Tavern. There is a reasonable amount of standing, walking and uneven ground on this tour.
Tavern Night !
Saturday October 26th 7PM
Come join us at Squires Tavern for an old fashion Tavern night. Time period foods, the ball room will have dancing and the liquor keep will be open!
Merrill Tavern Restoration
BHS was granted a long-term lease by the MDC for Merrill Tavern (shown left at sunset), which is located in .what used to be the bustling center of Barkhamsted on Old Town Hall Rd. Prior to the construction of the reservoir, this thoroughfare led down to the Hollow. Across the street from the Tavern is a private residence that once served as Barkhamsted’s Town Hall. Next door is the First Congregational Church, which replaced the meetinghouse structure in Barkhamsted Center. Not far from Merrill Tavern is the Barkhamsted Center School House, a structure moved to its current location in 1980 on land leased from the MDC. Please help us restore and preserve this historic village of Olde Barkhamsted!
Contact Us
bhs at barkhamstedhistory.us
(replace “at” with @)
(860) 738-2456
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 94
Pleasant Valley, CT 06063
Squires Tavern Location
100 E. River Road
Barkhamsted, CT 06063
Get Involved
Volunteers Welcome! Whatever your passion in history, there is a spot for you! Collections, Docents, Special Event Planning, Landscaping, Gardening, Buildings and Grounds, Article Writing for our Quarterly, Genealogy, etc.